Thursday, November 1, 2012

Argumentative Quiz - COPY AND PASTE to a word document

Student: ____________________________  English 1101-09  11/01/12
Modified TRUE/FALSE:  If a statement is true, type TRUE on your paper, by the number; you need NOT type the sentence on your paper. If a statement or any part of it is FALSE, correct and type the true statement by the number on your paper.
1.       A debatable position is one in which there are two sides to an issue.
2.       In any argument, the purpose is to convince the audience to not only consider the writer’s opinion as valid, but also to move the audience to action.
3.       Argumentation is composed largely  of an appeal to reason and emotion, with the writer keenly aware of the audience’s human nature.
4.       While persuasion is largely subjective, with no formal structure, argumentation is primarily objective, logical, and with a formal structure.
5.       The best way to choose an argumentative topics is to select one that the writer feels very strongly about, one that he can write about with conviction, and one that he feels sure he can win.
6.       In an argumentative paper, the thesis statement will provide a claim or state the position of the writer.
7.       The antithesis of the argument appears in the conclusion of the paper, following the refutation of the opposing side.
8.       In composing the argumentative paper, the wrtier should keep in mind that his audience is intelligent, receptive, and eager to learn more about the issue the writer is presenting.
9.       The greatest portion of the argumentative paper consists of the body, which contains facts and opinions, otherwise known as evidence, which supports the claim made in the thesis.
10.   In order for the evidence of the paper to be considered valid, it must be relevant, typical, representative and sufficient.
11.   Evidence that is sufficient provides just enough information to pique the audience’s attention so that he will seek to explore the information on his own.
12.   Rather than presenting the EXCEPTION to the rule, the example that is typical is presented to indicate what is almost always the rule or the case.
13.   In order to avoid repetition, it is important to document your research.
14.   There is no reason to provide information about the opposing side of the argument; to do so suggests the writer is unsure of his own position.
15.   In a deductive argument, the writer knows from the outset what his conclusion will be and sets forth in the paper to support it with specific facts and information.
16.   The two major parts of deductive reasoning consist of a major premise and a minor premise.
17.   The one drawback to deductive reasoning is that unlike inductive reasoning, the conclusion is less definitive.
18.   In structuring an argumentative essay, the opposing arguments are  best addressed from the outset.
19.   In an argumentative paper, the keyword is logical.
20.   Argument appears to us every day in the form of television commercials, billboards, and advertisements in newspaper and magazine.
1.       Explain what Rogerian argument involves.
2.       Writer YOUR OWN VALID syllogism.
3.       Explain what a “red herring” is.

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